Friday, April 9, 2010


The weather, always easier to talk about the weather is exactly as it should be, struggling but warm and sun and happy will win, promise, just give it some time.

Life is good, not much change, but that is good.

Uncle Tom, I love the poem, you really are neato eh. I miss you.

Already talking about summer plans and what to do, what to do. i think this is come by surprise and hope summer holds off a bit, cuz once it is here it too will be gone. Sometimes the anticipation is just as good as the event, sometimes better. We will be heading off to TBay as soon as we can. The exact dates need to be ironed out but we will head to where our hearts are, where I feel closest to my mom and am surrounded by love, laughter....and the most important to be near the grandma, the rock as I refer to her. She however has begun to call herself grandma moses...too funny grandma.

Sam has his big dance recital this weekend. I am nervous for him, but he seems to have it going on. It should prove to be something wonderful. I will take pictures.

Auntie Mern got the boys the Beatles rock band........hilarious. They think they are the Beatles. Will is Ringo, Ben is Paul and Sam is the other guy....and of course Myah is John Lennon. They have raced home everyday this week to play for me. They play yellow submarine best of all.

Enjoy your days off they only come every 5 days.
luv ya

1 comment:

  1. So you have a live band at home?? The Beatles Rockband is very cool, our neighbors have it.

    Is my dad a poet and he did not know it? I talked to him the other day. Talked to gradma moses too, told her I was applying for my Masters...she didn't like that idea and let me know it! haha.

    I'm almost done I keep telling everyone! Almost done all my major assignments, thank god! Maybe I'll come out and visit for a few days when it's all over? Would be awesome to spend some time with all of you.

    Kris's family have been visiting the past week....I'm not sure that a public blog is the place to express my dislike for this visit in particular, so will keep it to a minimum. I've been biting my tongue some much I have to go look in the mirror to make sure I still have one!

    Anyway, hope to see you soon! I would love to come out when school is over for a few days! Say hi to all the kids + Vic for me.

    Love you lots!
