Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cancer free

Quick heard it cancer free.
She used the words cancer survivor, cancer free and lucky all in a 10 minute span.
She also told me I was an overachiever who needed to "Knock it off", or I will be sick again.
I couldn't understand why I am still so sick especially if I am now in the clear.
She clearly outlined the why's and told me after close examination that it will be several more weeks until I feel remotely like myself.

I have not gotten the clear to be back at work, in some ways that is good as I am ill so much.

I will update more tomorrow but wanted everyone to know I am thrilled, well more than thrilled to not have cancer.



  1. Wow! Wow! WOW!!! That is unbelievably good news!!! I am SO happy for ALL OF YOU!!! Yeah!!!! Celebrate! Big Hugs!! Big kisses!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX!!!! You are a ROCK!!!! Seriously - :-)!!!!!

  2. hear that? THE BIGGEST SIGH OF RELIEF EVER. I can't imagine how YOU must feel because I feel sensational!!!!!!! phew, phew, phew. I guess I will have to start believing every single word you say from now on...You said the cancer was gone weeks ago, and it is.
    What a gift,
    Love u,

  3. YAY!! Happy dance!

    What a wonderful way to start MY day... I can only imagine how wonderful you and your family feel.


  4. Doing the happy dance in Ottawa - will celebrate with a cup a tea and a big bottle of wine -

    Way to go Colleen - Mom and I are so proud!!!!!

  5. Colleen! That's amazing!!! We're sooo happy! I have the biggest smile right now! Love you lots!

  6. Hi Colleen
    THis is sooo exciting. We're so happy to hear that you are Cancer Free and on the road to recovery. By the time summer is here, you will be the same Colleen that we love.
    I'm still in Thunder Bay because my mother is in the hospital after falling. Will leave on Saturday and should arrive with persians on Sunday!
    Tim is recovering from open heart surgery. Hopefully he will be AOK by summer as well!
    Love. Judy and Sylvia

  7. So happy for you !
    Hope you are still relaxing... can't wait to see
    you !
    Luv Jenna
