Thursday, March 11, 2010

week one and counting

Well...yesterday was better. I see the pattern, takes me some time but ya about 2% better everyday, so in 50 days I will be 100%, gee when do we get to 50 days. I go in and out of feeling good. good for 1 hour, sleep for 3, good for 2 sleep for 1, etc etc.

I wish I could say I was bored but being laid up keeps you busy, just to go to have a face wash etc takes the entire morning, we all know I have no time for this.

I go back on April 14/10 to see Dr. Kupets for the pathology report and plan, so I have some time to feel better (I sure hope 50 days happens by then).

What can I say about the food coming into this house, wow. The kids have been loving it, they think we should keep this plan in place all the time, it is great. Thank you so much, had no idea how much we did need this and it is helping so much.

Kids are good, Vik is good. Pamela leaves Friday, I will miss nurse nancy. Vik is home to nurse me next week and Pamela is taking half the little people with her until Tuesday...This will help so much.

love the sun this week, it is urging me to be well.................I hear you mom.



  1. Hey Colleen,
    I'm glad to hear your coming along, each day will get a little better. you'll hardly notice the improvement until you look at where you've come from.Week 1 is done and you managed, so keep it up. The 2% is only for week one then it increases to about 5%... so something to look forward to!!!
    If you need a nurse for Friday or over the w/e let me know, I know of one, probably not as good as Nurse Nancy, but is reasonably competent and qualified.
    Take care, have a restful, peaceful day filled with sunshine and happy thoughts.

  2. Hello Colleeniebeanie: so glad you are 2% better each day. Slow going...but at least in the right direction. Cindy, Ferma and I missed you this morning, but were talking about you and sending our continued well-wishes. good luck getting downstairs!!!! Take it easy.
    love KIM

  3. Hey Colleen - I just heard the news from my sorority sisters. Sorry to hear it's a slow process but am I ever glad you are ok. Take good care. I will check your blog often to see how you are doing and will miss your smiling face at the hockey rink!

    All the best - get some rest!
