Sunday, March 14, 2010

My First Outing.....

My first big adventure was to the Superstore with Vik. I forgot the rule of.........of where ever I go I must come back. Spent a whole lot of time in the furniture section sitting down. Just need some time to gear up to get back to the car.........Home safe and sound. I think I may go for a nap.


  1. You are TOOOOO funny!
    It is so good to see you out and looking so good!
    Can not wait to see you "in real life"!

  2. Hey Colleen,
    Just spent the afternoon with the whole family celebrating a certain niece's b-day. Thought I would check up on the link MA sent us. It's great to see you getting better. You look great, beautiful smile. Hope you take it easy for the next little while and we wish you a speedy recovery. Say hi to the gang for all of us. Lots of love, Sonya

  3. Nice Posting - pictures and everything - quite the blogger you are. (Yoda) - We went downtown, to the Canadian Mint and ate beaver tails - right where OBAMA ate a beaver tail. Who knew Ottawa was so cool?
    Myah hates everything before it happens, and while it happens - but after it is over is known to say "WOW - I loved that Auntie Pamela. Thanks" So the grave I have dug in the backyard is still empty....
    Myah also wants to buy everything and eat everything she sees- much like her mother (until she gets it and then its " I no like this...." ) that hole might get filled up yet.
    Good thing I love her to bits. If one of yours doesn't fill the hole - then one of mine just might fit the bill.
    All and all a fun morning and we will miss the two little cuties when they leave us.
    Glad to here you passed the test suziQ

  4. I don't know who's posts have me smiling the most, Colleen's or Pamela's.

    Colleen - for keeping your sense of humor, you are truly one in a million. I am so glad to see you moving about a little but more each day and even trying new adventures.

    Pamela - you make me laugh, your updates on the kids are priceless. I hope you have had a wonderful with them, they are lucky little people! Hope to see you again soon, miss you around here.

    Sending love to both of you, mern.xoxox
